Horse Personality

Do horses have a personality?

Indeed, they emphatically do!

A fact proven definitely

By equestrian creatures I know.

Emirah, She’s the diva, there is no doubt.

She knows you know she knows.

To grace you is her right.

But only if she decrees it so.

Aztec, He is the good o’ boy sure enough.

There is not much that worries him.

Just give him food and reward.

His task he’ll gladly do.

Serefina, The young attractive female,

Will get familiar with the boys.

And disruption she will cause.

But doesn’t even care.

Danny, No amount of prodding,

Will make it happen sooner.

For the task, it is already known

So, time belongs to him.

Bella, She is the one checking out the way,

But not from fear of something bad,

But for that unexpected entity unseen by others,

Somewhere along the wooded trail.

DB Najeim, He proudly proclaims,

“Mr. Stud is my name!

Why just have a boy,

When you can have a man!”

And just like the humans we all know,

Our horses’ manners are on display,

For you and me and everyone to see,

Exactly just like you and me!